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Friday 3 July 2015

FWQ Week23

Week 23!
I really like this one. It gives me the same feeling I get when I'm together with true friends. Lighthearted, not too serious, and fun. Plus I loves me that green.

Friday 19 June 2015

Farmer's Wife Week 22

And we're back!
Phew! Caught up on the blogging officially! It nagged at me. OH, great news! My darling little baby (statement slathered with sarcasm...) after 314 days of waking multiple times in the night SLEPT THROUGH. And then he did it again. and then he did it again. and then HE DECIDED TO WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOURTH FATEFUL NIGHT AND WAS AWAKE FOR 3 HOURS. And now sleeping through the night is again a dream. A dream I am not having because I don't dream because I don't sleep. Deep sigh.
Cheerful little thing, isn't it?! Needs a trim though. 

Week 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21

Week17- of the Farmer's Wife Quilt:

Here's the deal. I've been keeping up with the weeks blocks (even through a family vacation!) but i haven't been strict about blogging. Tonight the kids are at a baseball game watching my husband play and my baby is sleeping so I thought I'd see how much I can get done! Here are the blocks I did blogged at long last!

#25 and #26

Sunday 3 May 2015

Week 16

     I did these blocks way ahead of the game. I had a plan to make these things before our vacation at the end of May:
-Make my son a pair of shorts
-Do my week 16-20 blocks
-finish my yellow Joel Dewberry quilt top.
    I was like a whirling dervish of accomplishment. I made those shorts. I am just a border from finishing my quilt top and I did my week 16 blocks. Here is what I forgot to add to my things to do list. BLOG. It is seriously challenging to make time to blog these blocks! I am enjoying making them but life is so busy these days!
I have for you, week 16!

     This is a funky angle, you can see in the following picture the block looks quite a bit less wonky. I think it maybe an optical illusion with the tiny dots? Not sure. But I will be taking a teeny tiny dot hideous!

TADA! they're really sweet together AND more green into the mix! Yay!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Farmer's Wife week 15

     This week's blocks were fun and a much needed relaxing break from my craziness at home so I did 3. Here we go:
     I know one of these points are out. And I could fix it. And time permitting I may. But in the overall scheme of life, one point slightly amiss is really at the bottom of my priority list. When Kindergarten starts and I take stalk with this quilt and I still find it obvious I will probably change it. In the meantime I am enjoying it for its quirkiness and basking in its imperfections. 

Farmer's Wife Week 14

     Well, my baby contracted PNEUMONIA from picking up the other kids respiratory virus. So, if the blog title begs the question how crazy have I gone, the answer is somewhere around 2 ambulance rides, a stay on the paediatric ward and a multitude of sleepless nights. Here are the week's blocks!
     I like this block better on point but I really like the layout and the fabrics!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Farmer's Wife Week 13


     I feel like ranting about how ridiculous it is that my oldest son is sick after my daughter just got over the flu. Or ranting about how ridiculous it is that I put my phone on my bumper as I was putting my stroller in the car and forgot and slammed it in the trunk, rendering it useless while my husband is out of the country until Saturday... But... instead, I will share Week 13's blocks. Because that's something good to concentrate on. (unlike the insomniac teething maniac that lives in my house and is taking up my house where my baby used to live.)
    On we go!

     I knew ahead of time that I wouldn't have enough of the green for this block but I had the green and white spirals in reverse colours so I thought it would be cute. And I was right, isn't that cute?! 

Those spirals. 

     This block is actually really square and quite nice but because two of the plaid triangles weren't cute completely straight it plays a bit of a trick on your eye. The M brand was a fussy-ish cut. My daughter is working so hard on her phonics and loves the letter M because it starts our last name and it's the first letter in my name: Mom. 

     When my husband gets home this weekend, 3 things will happen. 1.) I will sleep. 2.) I will sew. 3.) I will get a massage. The order in not that important. But hopefully I'll have two more blocks to share. OH! And I will post those pictures of the boys ties this weekend, too!